Why Consistency is Keyfeatured

Have you ever met a person who sometimes looks nice but other times looks like they were hit by a bus?

I have. It’s not too pleasant.

Not because the person has clearly given up, but because if that’s how they present themselves, I will never know what to expect from them.

As superficial as looks are, there’s something to be said about consistently polished people. Whether looks or personality traits, when I can observe consistency in others, I feel safe, like I can tell them anything and trust them with my life. From my own personal experience, inconsistent people are the ones to be wary of.

If they are inconsistent in their presentation, what other aspects of their lives might they show this same level of inconsistency? Friendship? Business? Trust?

I can’t say these questions hold true for every individual I have met. Some inconsistent people can show some sign of consistency in other aspects of their lives, but my personal experiences have shown me time and time again that inconsistencies can bleed into other aspects when first visible through personal presentation patterns.

I hate to judge but just like most humans, I do. If you’re not consistently one type of person I will observe your actions in search of some type of consistency. If there’s a hint of it, I try my best to trust that person.

If there are no consistent patterns I can observe, I hold back. Not because this person is a terrible person, but simply because I can’t trust the unpredictability.

Have you ever noticed this pattern amongst the many people you meet? Do you ever think twice about those that show no signs of consistency in their personalities and/or presentation?

Love Deeply and Forever,


About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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