Why I Forgive You For Being Terrible to Mefeatured

I forgive you for trying to hurt me constantly, for saying things that shouldn’t be said, and for having sadness within your heart.

I forgive you for hating your own life and circumstance. I forgive you for throwing daggers my way every chance that you get.

I forgive you for being in constant pain within your own skin and for spreading that within you like a virus. I forgive you for not finding your way yet.

I forgive you for lacking love in your life and for making that be known. I forgive you for your ugly words and negativity. But most of all, I forgive you for being a mirror of what lives within you.

I know life might not be easy for you. I know someone must have hurt you deeply. I understand that you were not given all the love in the world. I also understand that you deserve grace and kindness even if not everyone agrees.

I was given a life I am grateful for. I try my best to spread the love in my heart with others but that doesn’t mean that you will ever like me.

That’s okay, you don’t have to. I am not trying to make you like me or change. Truth is, chances are slim that you will ever find the need to even change, but I forgive you.

It’s not your fault that life mistreated you. It’s not your fault that so many people shut doors in your face and told you you simply weren’t worth it.

But you know what?

You definitely have the capability to forgive, to heal, to be better than you have ever been. I know your pain is deep-rooted, I know you have tried to give up completely…I know you have failed.

But there’s so much more.

More beauty to see and feel. More experiences to devour. More words left to be said and hearts left to be touched…. who need you at your best but who will accept you at your worst. I know you think you’re alone. I can promise you that you are not.

You are worth it all.

I have felt what you have felt. Maybe not exactly, but I can tell you that it hurt. A lot. I can tell you that I hurt others unintentionally in the process.

I can also tell you that there is still a beautiful light within you. One that wants to shine through you onto others if you simply let it.

I forgive you and always will. While you are fragile now, I wish strength, love, kindness, and grace upon you. I forgive you.

Now it’s time to forgive yourself.

Love Deeply and Forever,


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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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