Do You Think About the Future the Right Way?featured

Do you ever sit and wonder where you will be in 5 years? What about in 10? Do you have goals you set for yourself that you know you can and will accomplish?

If you are anything like me, of course you do. You think about the future often and sometimes you might do it without even knowing it. You think of an event that’s happening soon or people you are meeting up with next.

The future can be exciting and remind you that life is forever changing… in good and bad ways.

The future can do two things: it can propel you towards greatness or it can paralyze you completely. What is your relationship with your future self? Are you setting yourself up for success or utter disaster?

I used to get obsessed with my future, so much so that I became an anxiety case. I would suffer from bouts of anxiety at about any time on any given day. It was definitely the toughest time in my life.

I was so paralyzed about the future that I couldn’t enjoy my present moment. My present became my living hell. I did anything and everything to simply pass the time in hopes that my future self would just have it all figured out.

The future can definitely be the death of you or the light in you. After much soul searching and painful mistakes, I was able to find the balance when it came to thoughts about the future.

Everyone’s journey is different and that’s okay. Exercise is what jumpstarted my quest to self improvement, where I finally realized the only way I could be happy was to stop obsessing over a future that may never come. I got lost in the present the moment I learned to stop obsessing over not only my future, but my past, as well.

There is a fine line when it comes to having a healthy relationship with your future and/or past.

If you get to preoccupied with one or another, you tend to get stuck because you are simply wasting time trying to figure out how you can, or could have controlled, something that is impossible to control on any level.

How do you think about your future? Does your future guide you to accomplish your goals? Does it hinder your progress because you expect it to be one way but it often turns out another way?

I still freak out about the future sometimes. I am only human. I wonder who I will be in 10 years but then I realize every action I take today can have a great impact on my future self. So, it is much healthier to focus on the now, the present, who I am today, in this moment, as I write this to the world.

For now, my future, past, and present self live in great harmony. Could it all change tomorrow? Certainly. But I am happy that is yet to be determined by the Universe and nothing else. Stay present. Stay here. Stay focused on the now.

About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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