How Social Media Killed the Little Black Dressfeatured

I used to have certain outfits that were my go-to’s. My favorite combos on any given day. I also really liked a certain little black dress. I wore it to every wedding I was ever invited to. These pieces were classic, timeless, closet staples. I was attached to them and could never see a life without them.

I was a repeat outfit offender. There was no shame in my game. If you can work it, wear it, I thought. Life was good. Life was simple.


People started taking photos with their phones and uploading them to social media sites. I couldn’t become the girl that wore the same outfit everyday. I mean, of course I wore my favorites on separate occasions, but the age of social media changed everything to do with the little black dress.

Gone we’re the days of slipping through the cracks repeating outfits with no one knowing. People would know. People would talk. Social media was there to stab you in the back. And it still is.

I recently doubted my outfit choice because a recent post of mine included the exact same combo. I mean, seriously? Is this what social media has done to us? Is this why we now must revert to the subscription model service “Rent the Runway?”

I once read an article that states that repeat outfits build character, yet I still dread outfit repeating, or worst yet, being caught in the act of. Because if someone were to catch me wearing the same thing twice I would be a walking, living, breathing fashion faux pas.

What would happen then? Would I lose all of my followers? Would my friends refuse to post picture next to me on their social media accounts?

Truth is, who cares? We all create the persona we want to be on social media, this is fact. Even when we post more transparent type of content, we all go on social media to show something off. I mean, isn’t that what makes it interesting in the first place? Seeing something different? Being flies on the wall of those better off than us? Sneaking into all the parties that we were never invited to?

I don’t post as much as I used to. I just don’t see the need. I’m busy living life in the moment and working extremely hard prepping for my future. I do the occasional selfie being careful not to show my whole outfit… because what if I show up wearing the same thing next time I want to selfie it up? My online presence would be tainted forever.

Has social media killed more than the little black dress?

About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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