How to Truly Thrive For the Rest of Your Life

How to Truly Thrive For the Rest of Your Lifefeatured

Imagine a world where no one ever learned… A world where everyone just thought they knew it all…A world where everyone collided with each other because they thought there was nothing left to learn.

That would be absolute hell.

People would become stagnate, complacent, and bitter. Nothing would be worth investigating, because well, it would seem like an absolute waste of time and energy.

The most important thing I have learned to say in job interviews is the fact that I am forever a professional student of life.

I carry this fact like a badge of honor.

I say this because I am no master of any craft. I am writing to you right now specifically because I have so much more to learn about this world – its people, its places, its magic. I say it because I am willing to take in new knowledge and perspectives at any point in time so that I can bring more value to this world.

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far away, I thought I knew it all. I thought I needed no one. I thought there was weakness in numbers and that there was strength in complete solitude. I turned to writing out of anger and disillusionment. I turned to prayer only when things went wrong. I was drowning all alone.

Little did I know I was angry because I refused to look around me and take in all of the lessons I had yet to learn.

I was closed off from connecting with others, and more importantly, closed off from connecting with myself. I thought my existence was an isolated incident – a tragic mistake at best and that every single thing happened to me instead of for me.

Oh, what a confused human I was.

Stumbling on her feet like baby Bambi refusing to learn how to finally walk. Refuting the next lesson without even knowing it was standing right before her. Walking colorblind in a world full of color.

The life I led is not the life I live now. As a writer, as a leader, as a sister, as a daughter, and as a wife, I have learned I will never have all the answers. I know I have a team around me always that will lift me up by teaching me all of the beautiful lessons I have left to learn.

I have learned to bow down in humility to the beautiful souls around me so that they can show me what it is that I need to learn next.

We are all mirrors of each other. We love the qualities in others that we possess within ourselves – whether we are aware of it or not. What I love about my best friend is something I may have within me, but she may teach me through her gentle action how to fully express it to others.

I am not me. I am a piece of art stitched together by all the lessons I have learned from all those that have touched my heart.

I learned from my mom how to listen, I learned from my dad how to persist, I learned from my sister how to be there for others, I learned from my husband how to express love without words, I learned from my mentor to never take things personally, I learned from my ex to never dim other people’s light.

The true secret to thriving in this life is to be a person who is open to learning anything and everything. A person who is aware that they only know what they know and that others know different things, because of their own unique experiences, and that those different things that others know may forever shape them if they simply open up their heart to learning all about them.

So what is your next lesson? Where can you allow more knowledge in? Who will hold a mirror up to your face so that you can see what has been deep within you all along?


Love Deeply and Forever,



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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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