I Love Useless Things, This is Why…featured

I am a creature of habit. I like to have things in order and organized because it gives me a great sense of control. And while I am rarely in control of much, I like to know I’ll soon be showing up to a clean house, car, and/or office.

I am that girl that likes decorative towels. I’m sure you know this about me by now…I like fake plants and sheer curtains. I like pillows that you should never lay on.

I like decor that serves absolutely no purpose. I used to wonder why, but suddenly it’s all become extremely clear to me.

I like things that make no sense because I can organize them how and when I want to until they do make sense, at least to me. When I’m having a rough day, buying new decorative towels can make it better. Why? Because I know exactly where they’re going to go and how I’m going to arrange them.

I like to move these things until they are in the right place and this is beyond therapeutic after a long day.

Most situations in life are unpredictable, ever ebbing and flowing, but pointless trinkets can always be found in the last spot you decided they look best.

Okay, I must be careful not to become the next person on the tv show Hoarders, but besides that, I will continue to place a certain amount of significance on that that really has no significance.

And although it may seem extremely superficial of me, this small sense of consistency helps me with things go array. And if little decorations is all it takes, I’ll continue to go with it.

Yoga helps… Crossfit helps… HomeGoods helps… keep me sane. I am forever thankful for the little things that make me feel safe and at home.

But if you ever decide to use my decorative towels to clean your shoes, you have another thing coming.

How do you create a sense of order in your life? Do you have a planner or a special class you attend? Do you journal or workout? Do you have filing cabinets or specials lists you make?

Whatever it is, keep doing it.

Love Always and Forever,


About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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