Quarantine Diary #2: Why I Am Pressing The ‘Reset’ Button and You Should Toofeatured

Reset-ButtonBefore we found ourselves in this self-isolation predicament, I thought I had it all figured out. A marriage, a career, a savings account. I mean, what else could a girl ask for? I was busy running from one place to another searching for special moments somewhere in between.

I identified with a lot of my communities and felt the most connected to the world when I got to interact with people who shared my same interests on a daily basis.

The minute most businesses shut down, I found myself not able to do any of the things that used to make up my beloved routine. At first, I freaked out. I mean my entire world was canceled until further notice.

Then I took a deep dive into my Soul Searching pool.

After the initial shock, I started to do the things I once loved on a regular basis again. Before I started complicating my life with multiple memberships and mundane activities, things were much simpler.

What did I used to do when I had no money and three jobs? I went outside. A lot. I ran every single day and I absolutely loved it. What did I do when I was getting over the worst relationship of my life and in a slump? I took up Zumba and lost 50+ pounds with a huge smile on my face throughout the process.

Creating my new routine has brought me pure joy… My favorite dance instructor is now teaching us virtually, as are my favorite yoga instructors, and running can be done at any time on any day. I am pulling favorites from all chapters of my life and stringing them together to create the best mix-tape of my life.

If you find yourself feeling a little strange during these unique times, try looking into your heart and remembering the happiest moments of your life. Make it your mission to recreate those moments time and time again.

Dance on a Tuesday. Pick that hobby back up on a Friday night. Get on your dusty bike on a Saturday morning.

Take advantage of these special times, press the reset button, and create a brand new movie with you as the star. It’s your time to shine.

Love Deeply and Forever,


About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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