The One Skill That Transfers to All Jobs and Relationships

The One Skill That Transfers to All Jobs and Relationshipsfeatured

Most of us are born with an innate skill that sets us apart. Whether or not you have figured yours out yet, I am certain you have one. I was given the gift of communicating. While I am not always the best at doing it myself, I am able to give voices to those who don’t have one or those who just need a little help developing theirs.

While this skill is highly transferable, I, like many other people in the world, have had to face the reality of unemployment.

If you have been reading my most recent posts you might have seen that I have made “the best” out of my time in quarantine. I know this is not the case for everyone and I know that even if you are making the best of it, anxiety and other feelings of inadequacy can creep in.

Doesn’t matter how successful or amazing you are, this is a time where vibrations and emotions are constantly in flux.

It’s easy to forget who you are right now, what day it is, or even make any plans for something resembling a future. I get it. But if you take a step back you might realize that you are more than one skill. You are so much more than a writer, a hairstylist, an accountant, a teacher. And if you have this one skill or dare I say passion, it will transfer to everything you do in life.

It is the willingness and ability to serve others.

If you thrive by helping others you will do well at any job and in any relationship. Helping others can sometimes mean helping yourself on the deepest of levels. If you find gratitude in making another person’s journey a little bit easier, you have the most powerful currency you can offer the world, especially at a time like this.

Use it in any capacity that you can because not everyone has this special gift. It is one that requires a high level of empathy and emotional intelligence and one that has the ability to change the world.

Serving others is usually seen as a “soft skill” but it is the only one that nurtures human connection, provides true purpose, and will always feed the mind, body, and spirit.

Whether you are employed right now or not, if you are skilled at serving others, get creative with how you do it. Serve others in different and new ways. Tutor or coach virtually. Help out a neighbor in need. Take up a part-time job or volunteer work with the sole purpose of serving others. It can be as simple as setting out to complete one act of kindness a day.

Dare to serve those who might not know how to serve themselves right now.

If you need help explaining how you plan on serving others or if you would like us to feature how you are currently helping others through your products and/or services, contact or fill out the form below.


Love Deeply and Forever,

karendominique, covid19, coronavirus, love, kindness, give, charity

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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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