The Safest Place You Could Ever Be

The Safest Place You Could Ever Befeatured

There’s a place where you can always take a deep breath. There’s a place where no one will ever find you. There’s a place where the world stands still. There’s a place where you will always feel safe. There’s a place where you have zero responsibilities and expectations just don’t exist.

I have come to some of my greatest realizations here. I have hid during my most painful moments here. I have had some of my deepest conversations here. I have broken here. I have put myself back together here.

You have been here and you may be here now.

Have you guessed it yet?

It’s in your parked car – by yourself, in your driveway, or in your garage, with all of your windows rolled up and none of the world inside.

It’s a special place.

No one knows you’re there while your there and no one cares about the way that you look, feel, or act while you’re there.

I don’t have kids but I can imagine this place is even more sacred when you do have them. I have a world that I inhabit but it all falls away in my car, when it’s parked, in a place where no one can ever find me.

I haven’t researched the psychology behind this space but I hold it dearly to my heart.

Cars were first marketed as vessels designed to grant you freedom by placing you on a road to anywhere USA. They’ve become quite the opposite to people with long commutes and endless lists of errands. But there’s complete anonymity and freedom when it’s parked away from all the noise. When it creates a bubble of silence in this distraction-filled world.

Sitting in my parked car creates the greatest sense of comfort for me. Sometimes I come home from a long day and just sit here to catch up on emails or scroll mindlessly. I sometimes use my car as my special place to brainstorm my masterplans.

But more often than not I just sit here because I can. I sit here because it’s a much needed break from life and some days I just need to sit here a little bit longer than others.

Where’s the safest place you can ever be? Where do you find your peace? Treasure the stillness. Treasure the solitude. Treasure yourself.

Love Deeply and Forever,



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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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