What Do You Do When You’re Having a Bad Day?featured

Sometimes I wake up and just want to go back to sleep. There are definitely days when I just “don’t wanna.” I mean, don’t we all? Sometimes you have a shitty dream or didn’t sleep right or you are just in a bad mood all day for no apparent reason. My hypothesis is that there usually is an underlying reason, but that’s a whole different story.

I don’t have many bad days, but when I do it is usually because I have absorbed too much negative energy from those around me. I have learned how to keep this to a minimum, but it definitely still happens. It is easy to get lost in a bad mood. Sometimes bad days can turn in to bad weeks and even into bad months.

Bad energy is like a plague. I compare it to anxiety. Sometimes a bad state of mind can become a rabbit hole you just can’t get out of. You start thinking everything is wrong around you and that you just suck in general.

What do you do when you have a bad day? Do you obsess over it to the point that you attract more negative energy to yourself? Can you quickly snap out of it? Do you lash out at those around you? Do you find an outlet, or do you just wallow in your pain?

When I am having a bad day, I have to take a few minutes to myself to really look at what’s bothering me. Sometimes I really don’t know in that moment, but I try my best to at least try to figure it out. If I can’t figure it out, I just start making a list in my head about all the things I am thankful for: my friends, my family, the continuous love and support around me…My list is actually endless but bad days can sometimes fog my memory.

Bad days are just that. One bad moment in the greater scheme of things. You are not what your bad day is making you feel. You are so much better than that.

I believe bad days happen so that the good days can be that much greater. Maybe there are no reasons or maybe there are many, but I definitely think counting your blessings can change your attitude.

As cheesy as it sounds, it works for me. Once I start counting up all the reasons my life is great I actually begin to realize how silly my bad mood really is. I have so much more than many other people in the world and champagne problems are pretty silly when you start to think about it.

I am not having a bad day today but the people around me are. The only way to make things better is to lead by example. When people around me are Debbie Downers, I do my best to be the opposite. Whether or not I am necessarily feeling the same, I do my best to be the light. I am as positive as possible, and it is often contagious. So are nice gestures and good laughs.

So, the next time you have a bad day try to just shift your thinking into gratitude. It could definitely change your perspective and the perspective of all those around you. Choose change. Choose gratitude. Choose happiness.

Love Deeply and Forever,


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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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