What Your Texting Personality Says About You

What Your Texting Personality Says About Youfeatured

I am a true Millennial. I grew up in a world that had dial-up, Minesweeper, floppys, and of course, AIM. My parents had to pay 25 cents per text that I received and 15 cents per text that I sent. It was a fairly simple world, where being punished meant mom would take away a desktop keyboard and banish me from the entire online world.

The other day my sister told me I am a deep introspective soul but that my personality sucks through text. That I lack depth and personality. How dare she.

Truth is, it’s not the first time someone dislikes me via electronic communication, which is completely ironic considering I am a Digital Marketing Manager and obviously a blogger.

What do you think? Am I completely annoying via blog? If so, always open to honest feedback.

But anyway, back to my texting personality. I thought long and hard about this comment and took it to heart. Because well, I aim to be an efficient communicator in all aspects of my life.

Ahh, so therein lies the crux.

I text and email in the most “efficient” way that I know. I keep details out and get straight to the point. I include bullets when possible and delete emotion as often as possible. This is corporate communications me. I risk sounding robotic but I refuse to bullshit through text. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I grew up knowing that all electronic communications can one day be used against you. Call me super paranoid, or cold, but I am just not the best texter you will ever know.

And that’s okay.

I would like to believe that I am a better in-person communicator. Yes, I should sometimes turn on a filter in person but I often say exactly what is on my mind because I am a horrible liar. I have gotten better over the years, pinky swear.

So maybe my texting personality is the Jekyll to my Hyde. Texting gives me the forum to add a filter where I most often lack one in person.

Wondering how I really feel?

Give me a call. Have a cup of coffee with me. Watch Hallmark movies with me. Or better yet,  true crime shows.

What is your texting personality like?

Do you add emotion? Do you lack filters? Do you include every single one of your fleeting thoughts? Do you like using emoticons? GIFs? Do you write in paragraphs? Or do you double text with no responses in between your text bubbles (residual format from those AIM days)?

Can we ever really be consistently ourselves through text?

I think there’s a huge generational gap among texters. My baby sister’s generation is probably more likely to divulge their hearts and souls through text than my fellow Millennials are. Her generation grew up with advanced mobile devices their entire lives. My generation had to find a compartment for the emerging texting world. We’re not native texters, we’re learned texters.

Okay, so maybe my personality sucks through text because I have a moment to think what I am going to say before I type it. Because I am the type of Millennial that would rather go get a workout in than spend time trying to type out what’s really going on in my world. Because I would rather cry in yoga than try to sort it out through 78 text messages.

My husband probably prefers my texting self to the one who dramatically reacts to everything always. But that’s the thing, I will not give you all of myself through text, the best and worst parts of me are reserved for IRL interactions.

This blog is probably the closest electronic documentation you will find that most closely reflects who I am at my core. I will blog about the things that truly matter to me and occupy significant space in my mind.

If you are here right now, I appreciate you taking the time to read this instead of trying to text me. You must know me. If you don’t, I hope you are now reflecting upon what your texting personality may say about you.

Love Deeply and Forever,

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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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