Why Honoring Your Time is so Important featured

Coming from working at a small startup world, I used to go up to people and just start talking to them. We all worked in the same room so I didn’t see anything wrong with this.

I would often see people with headphones when I started working there and I thought that was strange. I just had never worked at an office. I was not sure what the correct protocol was.

As a communications person, I always want to hear what is going on and where at all times…right?

As I got deeper into my profession I realized that there were moments where I just couldn’t afford to be bothered. Those moments when I was deep in pensive thoughts strategizing some thing or another.

If I lost my train of thought I would be deemed worthless for the rest of the day. Not only that, but I would then start drowning in my own tasks because I was stuck playing catchup after the unnecessary interruption. An overwhelmed me is not a pretty sight to look at. I can easily be off kilter at the slightest sign of trouble ahead (I know, I need to work on this).

My old boss used to write post-it’s for me that read “Schedule time with me,” and “My time is precious.” These messages will forever stay with me.

Now that I work at an enormous global corporation I am really starting to see how important it is to honor your own time. Sometimes it is necessary to block your calendar off for certain projects and to ask others to book time so the both of you can be completely present in that prescheduled time.

Honoring your own time can sometimes slip your mind when you’re trying to excel but remember to always breathe and seek comfort in the fact that honoring your time translates into honoring yourself.

Of course, things will always pop up whether in the corporate world or in your personal life, plans are just that – plans. You can’t really count on them but they can be a good reminder of what needs to be done and what is of utmost priority in that given moment.

And honoring your time is key to not overwhelming yourself, at least not intentionally. To stay as organized as possible on any given day, well that is a good day in my book.

Now I see why people wear headphones at the office. I do it too. Now I see why just walking up to someone can sometimes seem rude. Now I see why people email each other when they sit right next to each other.

Of course, there is nothing like face-to-face communication but planned face-to-face communication is even better. People in turn really respect those that honor their time as well.

Because at the end of the day, what is most precious in this life than the time we have to give?

Do you honor your time?

Love Deeply and Forever,


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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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