Why I Am Not a Complainerfeatured

I used to complain about everything. From the food my mom made to the horrible teachers that yelled at me for talking too much. I was a Debbie Downer of sorts, a preteen without a cause.

This lasted for many years. My attitude was just as crummy as my complaints. I ended up feeling exactly what I declared to be true. I thought complaining made me cool. I thought complaining would solve the problem.

It wasn’t until I realized that every word that comes out of your mouth can manifest itself in different forms throughout your life. Simply said, you are what you say. I was telling myself all the negatives while forgetting the beauty in the breakdown.

Imagine if I took all these negative thoughts and turned them into positives in my head? Would my heart then feel the instant results of those positive thoughts?

I once contemplated this idea but it wasn’t until I completely broke that actually I took myself up on this idea.

I was 22. I had no option but to stop the damn complaining. I vowed to never complain again, or at least curb it as much as possible throughout the day.

Suddenly the rain didn’t ruin my shoes but added character to them. I didn’t get lost but took a scenic detour.

This is where my story completely changed. It had to. Complaining about how broken everything was around me would not serve me nor would it make me whole. With every positive thought came a positive outcome. Not because of the actual outcome but because of my shift in state of mind.

This practice has stayed with me. I try my best not to engage in complaining throughout the day.

Of course I need to vent sometimes but I try to do this out of the sight of most. It’s not worth it to be the negative virus that attaches itself onto others. I prefer to provide a glimpse a light that is contagious.

Whether it be for a moment or an entire day, my purpose is to lift other people up.


Because I remember how I used to feel in my constant state of complaining. It was an icky place I rather not revisit. And if I can distract others from entering that world or staying in it for much too long, I have impacted the world in a positive way. And that’s what I am most passionate about.

What are you passionate about?

Love Deeply and Forever,


About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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