Why Perspective is Everythingfeatured

As a writer, I’ve always liked to paint pictures of things. A little bit better than they truly are. Every single line has a little exaggeration. And that’s because, in my world, I can make everything better.

This same skill transfers to my real life, I often catch myself adding anecdotes to my stories to just add dramatic elements, just to tell the story a little bit better than it truly was.

With this, comes a realization, that on paper, the world can be whatever I want. On paper, any story can take on a whole different light.

Growing up, I’d write poetry and it’d be somber and depressing. It was often way more exaggerated than obviously things really were. All that writing groomed me into the person that I am today; a profoundly emotional, empathetic human with the biggest heart that can be broken at any moment.

I went to the movies and saw a movie written by the writer of the show, This Is Us. It’s called life Itself. Like many great movies, this one made me cry. It had lines in it that I swear that I have written before and it spoke to my heart on so many levels.

There’s something to be said about the realness of life. And that’s really what this movie was about. Something to be said about how ugly it can get yet how beautiful it can also be.

And this movie talked about one of my favorite writers of all time, Bob Dylan. And about how he was criticized often for his realistic way of writing music. It was raw, real, always unfiltered. And how he had the ability to move the masses with one of his later albums.

I can’t explain why I write so often. I only know that in my writing life is perfection, with every line that sounds a little bit better than it might have been, I feel a little bit stronger than I was when it happened. And that, to me, is everything.

Life can be whatever you want it to be. You can live the most depressing life or the most fulfilling life, the choice is really yours.

We all have tragedy and pain. We all wear scars the way we choose to. But at the end of the day, it’s our choice to make our story a little bit better everyday.

So next time you fall and don’t know how to get up, just remember if you do get up, life can be a little bit better. And just like the movie, Life Itself, I’m sitting here writing the best that I possibly can, to explain my emotion, and my emotion right now is life.

Life is flowing through me and with that comes a lot of obstacles and a lot of moments that are painful. And with that also comes this beauty I try to create with my words.

This same beauty can be created by perspective. Positivity comes about when we view life as a series of events that provides glimmers of happiness and hope throughout. And if you can be a positive light for others you have accomplished one of the greatest goals of all.

So remember, life is rough, obstacles unseen are well on their way, the only thing you can control is who you are and who you become for others.

Love Deeply and Forever,


About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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