Why The #Coronavirus Doesn’t Scare Mefeatured

Woman Meditating

The beginning of this week definitely feels like months ago. I woke up ready to tackle another mundane Monday. I ran out the door, coffee in hand… my sanity trailing behind me. Mondays are always a moment of mourning for another wonderful weekend gone by too fast.

By Tuesday, my boss told me to stay informed on the Coronavirus updates the moment she walked in, mainly because we are the internal communications team, and if there is any news, we must be the first to report it to our employees. I didn’t think much of it.

Just another day in the life of a Communications Specialist.

By Wednesday, I was on full-blown Coronavirus news duty. I would check to see if the situation had intensified and it for sure had. Our team was now directed to say something about it. It started with a friendly reminder on how to correctly wash your hands and turned into so much more.

Will I report to the office tomorrow? Most likely not.

The old me would be hysterical. She would be so terrified she would cry every minute of the day but this season of me is calm. She is collected.

Of course, I am praying for all of our parents and grandparents. Sending prayers to all of humanity. But in terms of myself and our family, I am not scared or worried one bit.

Our fridge is stocked, our cats have enough food for a while, and we live with deep Faith in our hearts every day. I streamed service online this morning and felt deeply connected to the message about not misdirecting our attention to material things that are fleeting.

I have always had trouble with this.

I have always attached such meaning to things I store in my closet. But not right now. I am just beyond thankful that my hard work has been able to provide so much wealth for me while being a passerby on this earth.

I used to be so anxious that Worry would break me down every single day but I have learned that Worry only shows up when Faith disappears and Faith disappears the moment Worry shows up.

I am not worried. I have done everything I thought I could do on this earth and so much more than that. I have loved so hard it hurts. I have reached for things far beyond my comfort zone. I have everything I need, right here, in my heart, right now.

I know not everyone is okay with saying goodbye to this earth but what would happen if we were?

Would we be hoarding supplies? Would be honking at all the scared people in the market parking lot? Would we be hanging onto every single word that the media is feeding us?

I think not.

We would go home and hug our loved ones and cuddle with our pets. We would turn on some candles and read that book we have been putting off for months. We would do all the things we have been saving for “tomorrow” or a “rainy day.” If anything, take this time to stop thinking about those tomorrows. Those tomorrows were never promised to us anyway.

Stay calm. Take this time for you. Do what you love in any way that you can. Turn to those you love most and send them a handwritten letter or pick up the phone to hear their voice.

Actually, don’t even listen to me. I don’t have the right formula for you. Only you know what will make your spirit light up, only you know what you need to turn to at this very moment.

And if you do need a good starting point, check out my co-author’s brilliant article: 15 Things to Do If You Are Staying Home

Our world is sometimes shaken up so that we can wake up. Be present, trust in the process, and most importantly, have Faith that whatever has to happen will happen.

Love Deeply and Forever,




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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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