Are You Falling Asleep at the Wheel? Why the Rest of the World Might be Right There With You

Are You Falling Asleep at the Wheel? Why the Rest of the World Might be Right There With Youfeatured

The world has come to the realization that our new normal will never look like it once did. Some of us may still be grieving our old lives, while some of us may now be on a mission to make our current lives better in any and every way possible.

No matter where you stand, one thing is for sure, we have a lot coming at us all at once.

For me, I know it is better to turn off the news when possible. I am also extra mindful while driving or while having conversations because this is a time to have extra love and grace with everyone. Not everyone has come to terms with the state of our world right now, and maybe that is the whole point.

Maybe we shouldn’t be complacent, maybe we shouldn’t act like it is all okay, and maybe we should be on a mission to make a change somewhere, anywhere. I am not here to tell you what I think is wrong or right, but I do want to remind you to take notice of how distracting everything around us and inside of us may be.

I am just noticing it all now. How many of us are deeply asleep at the wheel. Not in the typical way that this idiom is used but on an entirely different level than I have ever seen before.

Focusing on the things we once could focus on has become so much more difficult as our everything has been disrupted. And this isn’t happening to us because we are willing it to but because everything is becoming magnified to the point that our routines have really become the least of our worries.

Behind my front door, you will find newlyweds with 2 loud crazy kitties. We are still mourning the death of Mowgli, our baby Bengal.

What lies behind your door? What do you have to deal with on a daily basis?

Are you working from home? Are you a single parent? Are you a teacher by default? Have your family or friends fallen ill? Do you simply miss them? Are you outraged by our political climate? Are you deeply concerned about racial inequality? Are you saddened when you watch the news or listen to the radio? Do you wonder what’s for dinner? Are you sick of cooking? Are your finances causing anxiety? Are you just feeling exhausted?

Whatever the case, thoughts like these could be clouding your mind on a daily basis, not because you want them to but because they are important in your world.

I have recently had conversations where people on the other end haven’t absorbed a word of what I have said, not because they are being rude but because they are simply not capable of taking in one more thing. Many of us have reached our bandwidth and that’s okay.

Take the next step that is right for you. Forgive yourself for not being able to do it all or do it all perfectly.

If there was ever a time to excuse yourself from a dinner conversation or an event, it is now. Look inside, take emotional inventory, and ask yourself what you are capable of tackling next. Your present may look different than ever before and that is okay.

While many of us may seem asleep at the wheel, we may actually be busy behind the scenes navigating some of the most challenging and confusing roads of our lives. And these roads are unique to each and every one of us. Try to avoid head-on collisions by being patient, being kind, being forgiving, being understanding, being human.

Love Deeply and Forever,

karendominique, covid19, coronavirus, love, kindness, give, charity

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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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