How Pandemics are like Religion

How Pandemics are like Religionfeatured

Yes, we are still in pandemic season. The numbers often overwhelm me but that is not uncommon. I have done my best to stay mentally fit during these times by keeping my love of fitness, meditation, and education alive.

No matter how good I feel, I know that is not the case for the rest of our world. There is an overwhelming state of anxiety, pain, grief, and fear. We are reminded by it with every mask. Even the cute and sparkly ones.

The other day I went to the gym. Yes, like a real-life, in-person studio, not one located on Facebook Live or Zoom. I was so excited to post my activity on Facebook. I hesitated and finally decided against it.

Who would judge me for getting “out there” too quickly? Who would be sitting at home in another state or country without that option? I thought it might be a bit insensitive to scream it from the rooftops.

And that’s the thing about this pandemic. There are a lot of opinions regarding the severity of it all. I even know some people who doubt this whole thing is real altogether.

We can’t necessarily touch this evil but we have been told it exists. We know people who have been affected. Some of us have even lost people. My heart goes out to you all no matter where you stand.

Pandemics are like religions because they are something you can’t necessarily touch. There will always be the believers and the nonbelievers.

Let’s choose to respect them all.

I have seen so many posts on social media that begin with pandemic and end with politics. I don’t get it. Then again, I don’t need to get it. This is a time where everything has been turned on its head. Both within our homes and outside of our homes.

I am doing my best to accept everyone’s opinions, even those that are loud and lacking empathy. I am glad people have surviving passions throughout this all. I do not need to add to it all nor do I need to participate in that which does not serve me. But I see you and I hear you.

Where do you stand right now? Are you on a personal quest to have faith over fear right now? Are you trying your best to get out in the world? Or are you more comfortable staying home? Are you experiencing negativity or positivity through your social media and real-world interactions? Are you fighting for a newly found purpose or something you have advocated for all along?

While we can’t control the world around us we can definitely control what lives within us. Choose compassion. Choose grace. Choose empathy every single time.

Love Deeply and Forever,

karendominique, covid19, coronavirus, love, kindness, give, charity


About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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