I Went to a Dine In Restaurant and This is What Happenedfeatured

During the quarantine, I missed a lot of things but restaurants definitely topped the list. There’s nothing like quality food and quality service. Last weekend, we did it, and we did it big. We went out to Nick’s, San Clemente. Where we used to dine every week. Where our love grew. Where we shared our good news and bad news. Where we got engaged.

Nick’s, how we missed you. We had a reservation set for 7 pm and we were seated by 7:15 pm. Upon approaching the entrance, we were blocked off from entering the restaurant and greeted by a young lady in a black mask behind a crowd stanchion. I have to say, black is not very inviting, but masks, in general, are appreciated.

It felt like we were in line waiting to walk into Disneyland for the first time. Groups stood outside in anticipation (properly distanced) and many were disappointed to hear walk-in wait time exceeded 1.5 hours. A sign was posted that all guests must wear masks.

Finally, we made it past the front door. I asked if we could request to sit at our usual table and was reminded by the hostess that times have changed. I knew she was smiling behind the mask as she suggested I include that information in my reservation details for next time.

Bummer. But how spoiled had we been pre-quarantine times?

The bar was off-limits, filled with candles instead of humans. Partitions were strategically placed throughout the restaurant and every other table was empty. The noise level was at an all-time low and we were actually able to have a full conversation.

There were 2 white paper bags at our table that we couldn’t quite understand. What were they for? Used utensils? Trash?

We later found they were for storing our masks if needed. How considerate.

Instead of traditional menus within fancy leather holders, we received small paper ones. No big deal, the menu had stayed exactly as we remembered it. No need to even look.

We could barely understand the muffled words behind the waiter’s mask but his service was of superior Nick’s quality. Looking around, we only recognized 2 to 3 people on staff from pre-quarantine times. That was disheartening. Where had the rest of them gone? We prayed they were all doing okay.

Food arrived right in the Nick of time. Perfectly plated and seasoned to perfection. My husband took a bite of his salmon and licked his lips while I dug into my filet mignon like it was my last meal. Ironic as it was actually my first one out in months.

The best part of this experience was hearing the laughter among us. While we have all had to face our own battles within the confines of our homes for almost 3 months, we were all thankful to be alive and out enjoying fine food, fine service, and fine company. What a sweet escape.

Love Deeply and Forever,

karendominique, covid19, coronavirus, love, kindness, give, charity

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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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