Why Routine is Not Always the Best Companyfeatured


I have always been a creature of routine. I believe most people are. We run to the familiar and any deviation of it can cause us to lose our footing.

I love my rat race of a life most days. I go to work, workout, come home, relax, sleep, repeat. Oh, and then there’s the ocassional shopping, or friends, or both.

This year has been quite different. With 30 on the horizon, I find myself more antsy than ever. My gym routine needs a revamp, my house routine needs a revamp, my whole life feels like it is screaming for a change of pace.

Where did these feelings come from? The magical place called ‘This is 30?’

I have no idea, but with my wedding on the horizon, I have been undergoing a lot of emotional stress without even knowing it. Having a person move into my space after almost a decade of living alone has proved to be the best feeling of support I could have ever imagined. But still, quite a change from the old routine.

I feel the burden of more responsibility than ever. It is not just me now, I have an entire family to think about constantly. And then there’s the question about kids… When will they come if they ever do?

This year, as most years, I made no resolutions. But around November of last year my life screamed for change. I broke up with many of my old memberships and routines. I said goodbye to communities that brought me much joy but fell between the wayside after too many years of routine. I know it sounds silly, but I even broke up with my cell and internet provider.

How daring, right?

I even bought the newest technology and gave into the latest trend. The list goes on and on. I am a wild animal.

I didn’t even realize it but I have been going through a life transformation. I realize it now because my body let me down his week. It got physically ill. That is it’s way of telling me to slow down and slow down now.

So I will.

I will embrace this next season of my life by acknowledging the fact that it’s okay to alter my routines. It’s okay to need a change of scenery. It’s okay to prioritize different things. At my core, I will always be me, yet I was starting to feel like I was losing sight of myself with all of the self-induced change.

Change is always scary. I am smack dab in the middle of uncomfortable right now and that’s okay. I catch myself yearning for glimpses of the future and that is where I falter.

Who cares where I am in a year? Who am I today? How can I make the greatest impact? How can I become stronger, better, with the clearest of goals in mind?

If there is one thing that I learned in the the last season of my life, it was to stay present throughout all adversity. This is a promise I will continue to make to myself each day that I awake. Because without showing gratitude for the present, you can never grow exponentially.

Today I am thankful for all that is around me, for all that I have learned, and for the fact that I am making changes in all areas of my life. I must be growing and with growth comes eminent growing pains. I welcome them. This is definitely going to be a catalyst of a year for me and all without even making a single resolution.

30, bring it on.

What does this season of life mean to you?


Love Deeply and Forever,





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About the author

Karen Dominique

I am a millennial on a mission to serve others through grace and empathy. I tend to write about being present, personal growth, relationships, pain and all the other stuff they never taught you in school.

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